to Choices
fun toChoices(widgetType: ValidatedChoice.WidgetType = WidgetType.POPUP, translationProvider: BiFunction<T, String, MutableText> = BiFunction { t, _ -> t.transLit(t.toString()) }, descriptionProvider: BiFunction<T, String, Text> = BiFunction { t, _ -> t.descLit("") }): ValidatedChoice<T>
Converts this ValidatedSet into ValidatedChoice wrapping this set as the valid choice options
ValidatedChoice with options based on this set's contents
0.2.0, added optional params 0.4.0
description Provider
BiFunction T, String, Text - converts a choice instance T and the base translation key of this into a text Description: NOTE: translation key, not description key. This is the same base key as provided to translationProvider
widget Type
WidgetType defines the GUI selection type. Defaults to POPUP